Real Estate Law Attorneys Serving New York’s Hudson Valley Region, New York City and Connecticut
Dolgetta Law, PLLC provides invaluable legal and business guidance to real estate industry REALTOR® Associations and Multiple Listing Services (MLSs). Dolgetta Law, PLLC serves their needs by having specific and in-depth knowledge of the real estate industry and the practices of real estate associations, brokerage firms and multiple listing services. We have an in-depth knowledge of the New York Real Property Law, particularly Article 12-A. We serve of clients’ needs by providing services listed below and more.
General Corporate Counsel Services
Strategic Planning and General Corporate Counsel
Dolgetta Law, PLLC provides legal advice and guidance to Association and MLS Executive Staff, Boards of Directors, Executive and general Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups. Attorneys from Dolgetta Law, PLLC attend all Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings and provide invaluable guidance in connection with antitrust policies and laws, and general business operation. John Dolgetta delivers annual and semi-annual orientations detailing fiduciary duties of Directors and Executive Staff and legal guidance relating to New York Not-For-Profit Law requirements and updates.
Development of Policies and Procedures; MLS Rules and Regulations
The Firm assists Associations and MLSs in developing and drafting policies and procedures, rules and regulations, policy manuals, and other critical documents for the effective operation of Associations and MLSs.
Protection of Intellectual Property
Advising Association and MLS clients regarding copyright and trademark law, as well as assisting with the filing of copyright and trademark registrations. Dolgetta Law, PLLC conducts detailed and in-depth searches of trademarks and copyrights prior to any registration to confirm ownership rights in and to any intellectual property of Associations and MLSs.
Negotiation of Vendor Contracts, Leases and Other Agreements
Drafting, negotiating, and reviewing major vendor contracts, including MLS vendor and electronic lock box contracts, as well as general corporate agreements, employment agreements, independent contractor agreements, and lease agreements relating to premises leased by Associations and MLSs for corporate offices and headquarters.
General Counsel Services to Associations and MLSs
Dolgetta Law, PLLC (and the firm’s predecessor Edward I. Sumber, P.C.) has represented MLSs and REALTOR® Associations for over 40 years of combined service, and provides the following services:
- Assist the Chief Executive Officer in discussing issues, strategies, potential mergers, contracts, real estate industry and legal issues, etc., as needed.
- Collaborate and work with In-House Counsel on Association matters.
- Attend all Annual and Special Membership Meetings and all Regular, Monthly, and Special meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Association.
- Record, on behalf of the Secretary, the Minutes for all meetings and distribute for review.
- Draft and review language for Association Bylaws, and make revisions thereto, as and when necessary and in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Realtors, Inc. (“NAR”).
- Prepare, review, and negotiate, when necessary, forms of documents and agreements for, and on behalf of, the Association.
- Provide legal updates to the Directors, when requested, and present the Directors’ and Officers’ Orientation, at the beginning of each Calendar Year for the new and existing Directors and Officers.
- Author a monthly article to be published in Real Estate In-Depth, HGAR’s monthly periodical.
- Stay abreast of and report to the Association, newly issued opinions of the New York State Department of State and changes in the laws affecting the Association and its members.
- Attend and report on issues discussed at Legal Counsel’s conferences held by the New York State Association of Realtors (“NYSAR”) and NAR, and other organizations, as needed, during the year.
- Negotiate and see through to completion, including preparation of all related documents and agreements, mergers and acquisitions involving the Association with other associations, as may be requested from time-to-time.
- Converse with the NYSAR and NAR regarding updates and changes during the year with respect to the real estate industry, and any other issues as they may arise.
- Advise the CEO and/or the Board of Directors with respect to human resource issues and employee matters, as needed, from time-to-time.
- Advise, negotiate, and revise agreements in connection with matters concerning the Association’s lease agreements for any premises occupied by the Association, employment agreements for staff of the Association and independent contractor agreements between the Association and individuals engaged by the Association to offer services to the Association.
- Provide co-counsel services to the Association, if and when needed, and, from time-to-time, locate and recommend appropriate legal counsel to handle specialized matters such as employment law matters, litigation matters, tax matters, and other matters relating to various areas of the law, as necessary.
- Provide assistance and input to the Association regarding matters concerning the multiple listing service jointly owned with the Long Island Board of Realtors, Inc.
- Provide general legal counsel and advice on all other legal and corporate matters arising during the course of representation.