On May 23, 2007, the County of Westchester adopted Local Law No. 7 of the year 2007 which is entitled “The Private Well-Water Testing Law”. The new Law becomes effective on November 19, 2007. Regulations contemplated by the new Law were published by the County of Westchester on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 and the Law and the Rules and Regulations are posted on the Health Department’s website at http://www.westchestergov.com/health/.
Why Was the New Law Necessary?
The new Law, also referred to as “Laws of Westchester County §707.0 et seq.” is intended to identify properties throughout Westchester County which are served by substandard water supplies so that purchasers of properties and tenants residing in properties served by wells with contaminants, are aware of the circumstances, can remediate and address the issues and so that the Health Department can make available to the public a “general compilation of water test results data arranged or identified by municipality or appropriate geographic area…”. In addition, the Department of Health may establish a public information and education program to assist the public in identifying the potential health affects of consuming contaminated water as well as suggesting water treatment techniques, equipment strategies and identifying funding sources available for treating water from private wells which have failed a water test.
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