Dolgetta Law

STAR Tax Exemption

Most New York State homeowners are familiar with the STAR Exemption program otherwise known as the School Tax Relief Program. The Real Property Tax Law was amended during the administration of Governor George Pataki to create a partial exemption from school taxes for most owner-occupied primary residences in New York State. New York State has now implemented a new registration requirement giving New Yorkers until December 31, 2013 to register with the Department of Taxation and Finance in order to receive the STAR Exemption in 2014.

The New Requirement

Every homeowner is urged to visit the New York State Government’s tax website which provides information about how to register under the new law. What the new law requires is that every homeowner who wants to receive the STAR exemption register with the Department of Taxation and Finance so that the local municipality can be notified as to whether the individual has annual income which is less than $500,000.00 and is seeking the tax exemption only in connection with one principal residence. For compliance with the new registration process by December 31, a web portal has been established by the Department of Taxation and Finance. In addition, a phone number has been established where individuals can ask questions at 518-457-2036. An online tutorial and video is also available for individuals wanting to comply.

Click here to read more.

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