Dolgetta Law

When a Sales Associate Changes Offices – 2009

Approximately 19 years ago, this column addressed the rights of salespersons and real estate brokers at the time that a salesperson changes offices. Marketplace circumstances and dramatic changes in the way that business is conducted necessitates an update of this information.

For several consecutive quarters, sales of homes in our area have declined sharply. In our most recent quarter, housing prices have also dropped. When the number of sales completed during the first quarter of 2009 is compared with our approximately 7,000 Realtor licensees it is apparent that there are many salespersons who are not making any sales at all. In this environment, some salespersons have elected to change offices with the hope that his or her new affiliation will be with an office which provides better support services, enhanced advertising or an “image” which will give the salesperson a new edge or competitive advantage. Whether or not such perceptions are illusory, the current environment can be readily perceived as one in which frustration and restlessness are present.

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